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About LoadMaterialLib () of HelixToolkit.Wpf.SharpDX.objReader.cs

greentea175 5 years ago updated by nick 4 years ago 2


I'm watching a sample of HelixToolkit.Wpf.SharpDX.

I'm trying to display an obj file.

Did not appear perfectly.

It seems to ignore Tf and Ni in the mtl file.

I confirmed LoadMaterialLib () of HelixToolkit.Wpf.SharpDX.objReader.cs.

There was no processing of Tf and Ni in switch ().

HelixToolkit.Wpf.SharpDX seemed not to process Tf and Ni. Is it correct?

Thank you.


hole inside polygon

Dani 5 years ago 0

hello there 

hope you are doing well. I am trying to add a hole inside a polygon with arbitrary shape. However, methods such as Cuttingears are not able to create suitable triangles. i wonder if there is any other method to triangulate a polygon with arbitrary shape which includes  a hole with arbitrary shape.  



WPF Helix Toolkit MVVM Exception "...Child of another Visual Tree"

claude 6 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 1

In my project i am trying to integrate some 3D Visualization using Helix Toolkit. A Page showing a ViewPort3D with itemSource bound to a DataContext with an ObservableCollection of Visual3D is one of several Pages which can be displayed in my Application. A Navigation bar lets me switch between these pages.

My problem is that once i have populated my ObservableCollection with Visual3Ds, then navigate to a different page, then return and try to make changes to the ObservableCollection again, I constantly receive an Exception that my collection is already part of another VisualTree!

Presumably, since a new View is instanciated (and presumably the old View still survives somehow)whenever i navigate between pages, but my DataContext is persistant, this is what causes the problem. 

Has anyone come across this problem? Sorry for the rough explanation but my Software is too large to post!



How to get the translated/moved Point position from CursorOnElementPosition.Value.X

RS_FE 6 years ago 0

Hey folks,

when using CursorOnElementPosition.Value.X it retrieves the position of the model which is not tranlated/moved to an offset/animated position.

How do I retrieve the current and translated position of the mouse down point?


Click to select the model

Smile 6 years ago updated by ไอยดา สุรีวงค์ 4 years ago 1
  • 我使用以下代码导入了多个模型



dialog.Filter =“3dFile | * .obj”;

if(dialog.ShowDialog()== true && System.IO.File.Exists(dialog.FileName))


ObjReader CurrentHelixObjReader = new ObjReader();

Model3DGroup MyModel = CurrentHelixObjReader.Read(dialog.FileName);

ModelVisual3D model = new ModelVisual3D();

model.Content = MyModel;


MessageBox.Show( “成功!”);




Mouse bindings

nsy 6 years ago 0

Does anyone know how to change the mouse bindings? At the moment, the right mouse button is used to rotate the object. I would like to move this binding to the left mouse button and free up the right mouse button. The right mouse button will be used to display a context menu.


Loading Objects and Meshbuilder Questions

Bob 6 years ago 0

First off, I do not want to waste anyone's time here.  I have searched extensively for answers to my questions but honestly, I haven't found a centralized source where one can go to learn about the Helix Tool Kit.  Any suggestions for the definitive source would be very helpful.

Loading an OBJ model

I am writing an application that is basically an IMU head tracker.  I have used Helix to create three viewports; one each for front, top, and side views.  I am using the teapot for the object.  I have it working where the teapot in each viewport rotates according to the data from the IMU.  I have an OBJ file of a human head and for the life of me, I can't seem to get that file to load.  I don't see the need to load it programmatically.

From an example I found, I added:

<Helix:FileModelVisual3D x:Name="Head3D" Source="c:\malehead.obj"/>

in place of:


Is that all that is necessary?  FYI: If I have to do it programmatically, I am using VB, not C# in Visual Studio.


I also want to create a POV viewport.  I will have a wireframe sphere with the origin at 0,0,0.  The perspective camera will also be at 0,0,0 so the camera will be showing the wireframe from inside the sphere.  The camera will rotate in three axis based on the incoming IMU data.  Placing text on the wireframe showing the angular distance from 0,0 would be icing on the cake.

I just have not been able to find any example, tutorial, or documentation on how Meshbuilder is used.

Your help is greatly appreciated.


Tubidy Mobi

tubidy3 6 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 1
Music comes among the most beautiful and most pleasant hobbies for many. People feel good by listening to music and feel quite good and so naive. Nowadays, when the technology is developing so well, it can be seen that pleasant options will come to the fore in smartphones and tablets, and the most rare works are now carried in the tubidy mobile, and every time and anytime these music can be listened to offline. Among the quality options used in this sense, the tubidy application draws attention.

This application provides assistance in listening to music downloaded from the internet, and is also the most popular way to listen to tubidy mp3. All kinds of smartphone and tablet device that can be downloaded, is extremely simple to install and at the same time also free with this application, anyone can carry all kinds of pieces can no longer carry. It is possible to listen to the songs that are pocketed at leisure times, at rest times or at every place that comes to mind.

The fact that the tubidy music download option is active as its most functional function further highlights this application. Listeners can download songs from Youtube and make their own list and listen to the downloaded songs without the need for internet. Then they can enjoy the application in order to experience the most beautiful and pleasant moments.

plane and 3d model intersection

Armaghan 6 years ago 0

hello. how can I cut a 3D model using a plane in helix ?


Using FbxSharp for FBX imports?

enjlectric 6 years ago updated by Christophe PINNA 5 years ago 1


for a project of mine it would be convenient if I could find a way t o import FBX files into the Wpf.SharpDX version of the toolkit.

I have found this FBX Parser for C# and am currently trying to read my way into that, but as I am doing so I'm wondering if anyone else has tried the same, or if this can even possibly yield any good results. I've only started using Helix earlier this week so I'm not exactly an expert, so there may aswell be a logical impossibility when trying to convert a model from the FBX scene class to the Object3D class. If that's the case, I would like to know where these problems lie, out of curiousity.

Thank you for reading.