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How to offset/translate a Point in PointsVisual3D

Anonymous 10 years ago 0
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pyrrhicpk wrote at 2012-11-06 07:29:


I am drawing two points in the helixviewport3d using the following code. How can I offset/translate the points to new positions?

var result = new Point3DCollection(n);

var pt1 = new Point3D(0, 0, 0);
var pt2 = new Point3D(5, 5, 5);


VisualPoints = new PointsVisual3D();
VisualPoints.Points = result;


pyrrhicpk wrote at 2012-11-07 03:58:

Actually, I want to translate the two points to different locations. Applying translate transform to the VisualPoints would result in the translation of both the points to the same new location. Am I right in this?

Actually, I have about 300,000 points in "result" and I want to translate each point to a new position. I tried doing result[0].Offset(xnew,ynew,znew); but I found that the offset applies on a copy and not on the original point. So, other possible way is to replace all the points in "result" with new points (with new positions). Are there any other workarounds?


capping extrusions?

Anonymous 10 years ago 0
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mihaipruna wrote at 2014-08-24 19:36:

Hi, this is the code I am using to create an extrusion. I'd like to cap the ends so it looks solid.
    ExtrudedVisual3D extru = new ExtrudedVisual3D();
                System.Windows.Media.PointCollection collpo = new PointCollection();
                foreach (Point popo in sketchy.points2dlist  )
                extru.Section = collpo;
                extru.SectionXAxis = xaxis;
                extru.Transform = groupo;
                extru.Material = new DiffuseMaterial(new SolidColorBrush(colo));
                extru.IsSectionClosed = true;
                Point3DCollection collpa=new Point3DCollection();
               foreach (Point3D po3 in pupo.points3dlist)
                extru.Path = collpa;

                extru.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(colo);

GetTotalNumberOfTriangles NullPointerException

Anonymous 10 years ago 0
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ddklo wrote at 2012-01-30 15:55:


I some circumstances the Geometry or TriangleIndices property on our models is null which causes the GetTotalNumberOfTriangles to throw an NullPointerException. Could you add some null checks or catch the exception?

Regards Dagfinn

objo wrote at 2012-01-30 20:45:

added null checks - see 74458.


Loading large mesh or many model3d

Anonymous 10 years ago 0
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behnam263 wrote at 2014-06-29 06:08:

is there any thing like field of view for camera?
i mean loading meshes if camera look into them like "unity4"
and other meshes do not render when they are not in front of
camera? it is a big issue for controlling ram and cpu usage.

objo wrote at 2014-07-02 13:13:

Yes, see
Sorry, occlusion culling is not implemented in this library. I am not sure if this will work with the WPF 3D model, changing the visual model may be expensive!

Import a file with background worker

Anonymous 10 years ago 0
This discussion was imported from CodePlex

thiagoaguirre wrote at 2014-02-25 13:47:

Hi Objo!
Your library is amazing!

I couldn't import a model, with the ModelImporter, using a thread or task. It's cause a exception in Viewport3D.
While the thread is reading and the file size is too big, the main window not respond.
I think it is because the Model3DGroup is frozen.

I don't know as do that.
You can help me?

Thank you very much.
Thiago Aguirre Lorscheiter

Just a big "Thank You"

Anonymous 10 years ago updated by ไอยดา สุรีวงค์ 3 years ago 1
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Jac312 wrote at 2010-06-06 18:57:

You have done a wonderful and useful job. I'm using your library in a 3D Xbap application that will help design precasted concrete products once finished. The toolkit works like a charm. So: a big "Thank You" and keep going. Jacques PS: ZoomToFit() works perfectly

objo wrote at 2010-06-07 07:44:

thanks for the feedback! good to hear that the zoomtofit function works for you!


Progress - keep it going please

Anonymous 10 years ago updated by anonymous 4 years ago 1
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stfx wrote at 2010-02-02 18:50:

Hey I just registered here to tell you how awesome that toolkit is. I use a modified version of it and it works perfectly. Do you have any progress on the code so far like object transformation (position, rotation, size) or maybe fit screen to object and fit to show all objects?

Please dont give up on it I really appreciate it.

Oh yeah you should consider to rename it to Helix Engine - sounds so much cooler :D

PS: I can send you the modifications if you are interested.

objo wrote at 2010-02-21 18:13:

Thanks for your feedback!! Sure, this project just started - I hope to get more work done on it soon. I have added you as a developer, you are welcome to submit improvements! There is a simple manipulator class for object transformation (translation only) in the toolkit now, but I am sure this needs more work. Do you have solutions to this? And the "fit screen to object" feature? That's a feature I would really like to have included!

Engine or toolkit - I like "toolkit" since this is mostly a collection of tools and helper classes - not replacing or encapsulating the wpf 3d engine. 


TextBillboardVisual3D with Mouse-Events?

Anonymous 10 years ago 0
This discussion was imported from CodePlex

31337 wrote at 2012-11-27 12:28:

Hallo, is it possible to add the TextBillboardVisual3D as ModelUIElement3D?

31337 wrote at 2012-11-30 12:22:

Figured it out myself.

"ContainerUIElement3D" is the answer.

bennasi wrote at 2012-12-03 10:47:

Could you please elaborate on this a bit more? A code example would be nice. Thanks


CAD formats

Anonymous 10 years ago 0
This discussion was imported from CodePlex

vindex wrote at 2011-12-17 11:55:


First of all, great job, and thank you again. I'm a grateful user of Oxyplot, and here i find you again!


And now my question... have you any plans to give support to some CAD formats like .step, .sat,  or .iges?

objo wrote at 2011-12-19 09:24:

Sorry, no plans to implement readers for step, sat or iges. Only simple formats using triangular/quadrilateral meshes.

I might add import for a subset of the DXF format (polylines/curves and simple surfaces).

openNURBS is also interesting, would like to add a demo using the .net library:


Loaded objects flip upside down when zooming

Anonymous 10 years ago 0
This discussion was imported from CodePlex

Elementu wrote at 2012-02-22 15:53:



I have several helix controls in my application. Some of them are froze to give the feeling of a 2D display than cannot be rotated.

The one that is not froze uses a perspective camera and the other 2D use Orthographic Camera.

The problem that I'm facing is that when I zoom into the 2D controls my objects flip upside down. this can be seen also on the view cube the view changes, however even if I bring the view(guiding myself after the view cube) as it was before the objects are still upside down.

However if I reset the camera the objects will be in the correct position.

Is there a way to prevent this behavior and stop it from happening?


Thank you in advance.

elementu wrote at 2012-02-23 11:07:


What I discovered in my investigation is that in the CameraContoller.cs(HelixToolkit.Wpf.CameraController) in the OnTimeStep method at the point were the this.ZoomHandler.Zoom method is called, when the "this.zoomSpeed * time" parameter has a large value this bug will occur. In fact this bug occurred especially if I ran my application a slower machine. If I ran it on my main machine the bug only occurred if I added a thread.sleep of 500 or 1000 before calling the Zoom method.

So from the Zoom method the delta parameter is passed further in the ChangeCameraWidth method because my camera is an OrthographicCamera one.

Finally in the ChangeCameraWidth method to prevent the delta parameter from having a value that is too large  if the absolute value of the parameter is larger that 1 ( Math.Abs(delta) >= 1 ) then delta will take the value "delta = delta % 1" .

Having done this even if I add the delay or run the application on a slower machine the bug is not reproduced anymore.

I noticed that in the ChangeCameraPosition method that is called from the Zoom method in case my camera is a PerspectiveCamera not an OrthographicCamera there is a section of code with similar functionality to limit the value of the delta parameter.

if (delta < -0.5)
      delta = -0.5;

On a first look the behavior seems the same as before and everything looks all right with the change, except the bug that does not occur anymore.

What I want to ask you is what could be the implications of the change(the limitation of the delta value) I made, what is the case or were could it have a negative effect on the behavior or performance of the HelixToolkit ?


Thank you.

objo wrote at 2012-03-10 15:41:

thanks for debugging this! I added the clamping on the delta value as you suggested (change set c213bd42d8f7), and this seems to correct the problem. It limits the maximum zoom-out speed, but 50% zoom out per zoom event should be sufficient, I think.

stfx wrote at 2012-05-21 00:05:

Nice fix - btw this also occured on a perspective camera but yea fixed after that commit.

Another problem related to zooming is that if you zoom in too far (as far as you can) the camera will start to wobble at the end).

Fixed it by modifying the CameraHelfer.LookAt function like this:


        public static void LookAt(
            PerspectiveCamera camera, Point3D target, Vector3D newLookDirection, double animationTime)
            Point3D newPosition = target - newLookDirection;

            // prevent zooming in until camera gets wobbly due to precision loss
            if (Math.Abs(newPosition.Z) > 0.01)
                AnimateTo(camera, newPosition, newLookDirection, camera.UpDirection, animationTime);
EDIT: This fix is definately not correct