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.net core reference

Damien Darhk 3 years ago 0

I'm trying to port a .net framework app to .net core (3.1), so I get the packages from nuget helixtoolkit, helixtoolkit.core.wpf and helixtoolkit.core.sharpdx. But the regefence in xaml, that I copied here: is not correct. errors desappear if I reference  xmlns:HelixToolkit="", but app not show anything and crash.What am I missing?


ATS selidbe

ATS 4 years ago updated by ไอยดา สุรีวงค์ 4 years ago 2

ATS agencija za selidbe Beograd posluje više od 24 godine.Tokom vremena stekli smo znanje,mudrost i iskustvo u našoj branši.Kao najstarija transportna i selidbena agencija u regionu, svesni smo koliko je za naše klijente važno da se presele kvalitetno, efikasno i sigurno uz poštovanje vremenskih rokova i dogovorenih usluga.Stoga poslujemo u tom smeru,kako bismo uslugu selidbe održali na visokom nivou i na zadovoljstvo naših klijenata.ATS agencija za transport i selidbe pruža niz objedinjenih usluga u domenu selidbe i skladištenja.


Touch operation issues

greentea175 5 years ago updated by ก็หมวย นี่คะ 3 weeks ago 213


The sample ModelViewer is operated by touch.

Open \Models\obj\wall12.obj.

After expanding wall12.obj,

Even if you move your finger over this model, you cannot rotate or zoom in smoothly.

With mouse operation, you can rotate and zoom smoothly.

It seems that OnManipulationDelta() of CameraController.cs is hard to occur. . .

\Models\obj\leone.3DBuilder.obj can be rotated and enlarged smoothly by touch operation.

I want to rotate and zoom in smoothly even with touch operation.

Please tell me how.

Thank you.


How to Download

Haydee Herron 6 years ago updated by sneha rani 4 years ago 2

Quick Trick: Download YouTube Videos in a split second via changing to

VidPaw Online YouTube Video Downloader is a site to download high-quality YouTube videos without downloading any desktop program. As an all-rounded online YouTube video downloader, it offers totally free-to-download service for users, supporting almost all devices connected to the network such as Windows, MacBook, iPhone, iPad, Android and so forth. What’s more, it also allows users to download the subtitle, muted video, or audio of the YouTube video.

Moreover, it also serves as an online video converter. With VidPaw Online YouTube Downloader, downloaded YouTube videos will be save in MP4/3GP/WEBM format. Moreover, the audio file will be saved in M4A/WEBM. All output settings are up to you.

  • Supported video quality - 144p, 240p, 360p, 720p, 1080p, 1440p, 2K, 4K,8k.
  • Supported audio quality - 64kbps, 96kbps, 128kbps, 256kbps, 320kbps.

Next, we will show you how to download Download YouTube Videos Online on both PCs and mobile devices like iPhone/iPad and Android.

TIPS: VidPaw also provides downloader extensions in Chrome, Safari, and Firefox on Windows or MacBook for users to have a better overall experience.

Part 1: How to Download Online Videos from YouTube to PC?

VidPaw Online YouTube Downloader is accessible to all browsers on Windows 10/8/7/Vista/XP. To download online videos from YouTube to your PC, just a few steps are needed.

STEP 1. Open on Chrome/Foxfire/Safari.
STEP 2. Paste the YouTube video link on the blank field, then, click on "Start" button.

STEP 3. Choose an output format and quality > Click on "Download" button.

TIPS. It’s available to download video-only or audio of the YouTube video. 

STEP 4. Waiting for a while, you can successfully save high-quality YouTube videos offline on your PC.

Tips. Quick Way to Download YouTube Videos with VidPaw Extension

To skip the step to paste the video URL, VidPaw considerately provides a YouTube Video Downloader extension. If you are looking for a more convenient way to save YouTube video offline to PC, you can try it.

Read More: How to Download and Install VidPaw Video Downloader Extension.


Part 2: How to Download YouTube Videos on iPhone/iPad?

Some of you might want to download YouTube videos to the camera roll to iPhone/iPad. To successfully save YouTube videos offline on your iPhone/iPad, you will need a third-party app called Documents to help you. Before downloading YouTube video, you should download Documents on iPhone/iPad first. After that, you can start downloading YouTube videos on iPhone/iPad. 

STEP 1. Launch Documents app. 

STEP 2. Tap the icon on the bottom right corner of the screen. 

STEP 3. Navigate to 

STEP 4. Select a desired format and quality, and then, click the "Download" button to start downloading. 

STEP 5. Download videos will be saved in Documents. If you want to save YouTube video to camera roll on iPhone, you can open the "Downloads" folder, and then click "Edit" to select the video. Next, move the YouTube Video to Camera Roll on iPhone/iPad.

Part 3: How to Download YouTube Videos on Android?

Likewise, you can also download YouTube Videos on Android with VidPaw Online YouTube Downloader. What’s more, compared with the operations on iPhone/iPad, downloading YouTube Videos on Android is much easier. You just need few simple steps to download your favorite videos online. 

STEP 1. Open a browser app on your Android device. 

STEP 2. Go to  

STEP 3. Stick the video link from YouTube on the blank.  

STEP 4. Download YouTube video with a suitable format and quality.

After that, you might be also curious about how to save a youtube video to camera roll on Android. Don’t worry. All of your wanted YouTube videos will be downloaded to the camera roll automatically when the downloading process is finished.

Youtube video


Tubidy Mobile Music Video Mp3

sdt 8 years ago updated by anonymous 6 years ago 1

Years ago, we had no complaints to spend a hundred dollars to buy tape and CD. Then, online downloading music has not been popularized; no one has tasted the initial benefits of music downloading for free. When Internet starts to prevail among the masses, a sea of free music websites have sprung up. Thus, consumers are accustomed to enjoy free services. When used to have free lunch, who are willing to pay out-of-pocket for music?
As a result, even though the public voice is appealing to everyone endlessly, "pay for online downloading music" will still become a norm. While, for the public, both the shift of consumption habits and the adaptation of charge services require us to take a little patience to await. During the process, it is likely for traditional music sales model to search for a suitable new development model.

Mp3 Download Site: Tubidy Tubidy Tubidy Tubidy


Tubidy Mobile Music

tubidyc 8 years ago updated by rank up 1 month ago 535

Tubidy Mobile Music, free video clip and opens the doors wide and use many of the facilities you about your interests, which allows a highly reliable site. You can benefit from this site free music and videos you can watch. Tubidy remaining featured or in the background, makes the transition with the new style with the striking currents. Baroque, extreme music, electronic music, swing, rap, popular, metal, fuak, rock, pop, hip-hop style are just a few of many other types of music such as this. Tubidy MP3 music download any music you want can be a member of the site you can reach with your system.Tubidy Mobile Video Music Search service, you your favorite music, video clips, movies, cartoons mobile video search engine which facilitates the search for many items such as.. no matter where it is anytime, anywhere, you can play free video way to connect to mobile networks. . New free and trending and most recent music video clips search through our service, you have the opportunity to watch the video make uyeliks. Our online service you can watch the newly released movie trailers, TV shows and series trailers, you can also find our service.3GP Known by the technical name 3GPP or 3GP file, then the third generation Partnership project, or 3GPP multimedia format is a file format based on developed by. For this reason, this environment is widely used 3GP file name was given. 3GPP (Third generation Partnership project) a collaboration between the telecommunications company and the Unions around the world is a result of different. Also when watching media files on 3G enabled smart phones 3GP people has been the solution to the problems that you encounter.


What is

Dianna Gron 8 years ago updated by Fdjjj Duuree 3 years ago 133

A default IP used by d link, netgear and other popular router manufacturers to find themselves over the network is IP. Users can enter this address into the address bar of their favorite web browser on their computer to get access to the router settings page. There they can change the default password of the router, security settings and Wi-Fi settings of their network. Even they can monitor the connection of their router to the network, reset the connection settings and router or change the firewall settings on the settings webpage. People do not need an active internet connection to access their router settings page. The only thing they need to do is typing the IP address used by their router for administration. The address could vary depending on the router manufacturer.

How can people find the router IP address

People need to perform the following steps to check if the router is using the above mentioned private IP address.

  • Click on start button to get the start screen. People who are using windows 8 or late can click on the windows button.
  • Next they need to input cmd in the field of search programs. They should see a cmd icon included in the list. c
  • Click on cmd icon.
  • Next type ipconfig in the appropriate field and press enter.
  • People should look for a set of numbers next to default gateway entry. The set of numbers separated by decimal is the router IP address.
  • How to change the password of router

    It is very important to change the password of router so that no one will be able to access as well as configure the router. People should make sire to note down the username and password. Here are the steps they need to follow for changing the router password.

  • First people have to login to their router control panel. They have to type in the default IP address of the router to get the admin screen. Individuals who do not know the default IP address of the router can get help from online forums that discuss on the issues regarding router configuration.
  • The user will see a username and secret key prompt. They need to enter the required details of the router and tap on the login button. The router administration interface page will load.
  • Users have to look for an administrative tab or security tab in the administration interface. There they will find a change password link. Click on the link and type the new password two times.
  • People should make sure that the password is strong. They can even use online password generator to make the password of router stronger. Once they found the IP address and changed the password, they can configure router settings. They can make some adjustments such as modifying LAN configurations, protection and Wi-Fi connections. Users of routers will feel good when they come to know that they can also control specific configurations of router.


    I can't use Helix toolkit to viewport multiple model part at the same time

    Philip 8 years ago updated by ก็หมวย นี่คะ 3 weeks ago 207

    Hi Everyone,

    I've got an existing Winsform application that model a multi-joint robotic arm, that allows the user to use a trackbar to rotate each joint for a certain degree (snipping of the winsform app below).

    Since I've worked out the TranslateTransform and RotateTransform relationship in 2D drawing, I did like to convert it to 3D. I heard that helix toolkit is very good at 3D modelling things. Since I never used it before, so I would like to give helix toolkit a try. What I'm doing is draw the robot arm in wpf and use elementhost to host the drawing in winsform, and in the end aim to achieve the same results as above but in 3D. Currently I applied the same logic I used for the 2D modelling, but with set rotation angle and translation length, as well as I'm trying to get 2 joints connected.

    Yet when I run my code, instead of both joints being display (similar to picture above), only 1 joint is present (as shown in picture below).

    I don't understands what I did wrong, and since there is very limited documentation available I can't debug and solve the problem myself. So I hope to seek help and solution here.

    below is my code:

    using System;

    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    using System.Windows;
    using System.Windows.Controls;
    using System.Windows.Data;
    using System.Windows.Documents;
    using System.Windows.Input;
    using System.Windows.Media;
    using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
    using System.Windows.Navigation;
    using System.Windows.Shapes;
    using System.IO.Ports;
    using System.Windows.Threading;
    using HelixToolkit.Wpf;
    using HelixToolkit;
    using System.Windows.Media.Media3D;

    namespace _3DModel
    /// <summary>
    /// Interaction logic for Drawing.xaml
    /// </summary>
    public partial class Drawing : UserControl
    HelixViewport3D viewport = new HelixViewport3D();

    public Drawing()

    private void Draw()

    #region Camera Viewpoint of the 3D Model
    viewport.DefaultCamera = new PerspectiveCamera();
    viewport.DefaultCamera.Position = new Point3D(0, 600, 600);
    viewport.DefaultCamera.LookDirection = new Vector3D(0, -600, -600);
    viewport.DefaultCamera.UpDirection = new Vector3D(0, 1, 0);

    DefaultLights light = new DefaultLights();
    Model3D joint2, joint3, joint4, joint5, joint6, joint7, baselink;
    ModelVisual3D model3d = new ModelVisual3D();
    Model3DGroup group = new Model3DGroup();
    ModelImporter import = new ModelImporter();

    baselink = import.Load(@"C:\Users\tombf\Desktop\Winsform 3D Model\Base Link.obj");
    joint2 = import.Load(@"C:\Users\tombf\Desktop\Winsform 3D Model\Link.obj");
    joint3 = joint2.Clone();
    joint4 = joint2.Clone();
    joint5 = joint2.Clone();
    joint6 = joint2.Clone();
    joint7 = joint2.Clone();

    #region Base Link
    Transform3DGroup baseLinkMove = new Transform3DGroup();
    TranslateTransform3D baseLinkTranslate = new TranslateTransform3D();
    baseLinkTranslate.OffsetX = 0;
    baseLinkTranslate.OffsetY = 0;
    baseLinkTranslate.OffsetZ = 0;


    RotateTransform3D baseLinkRotate = new RotateTransform3D();
    baseLinkRotate.Rotation = new AxisAngleRotation3D(new Vector3D(0, 0, 0), 0);
    baselink.Transform = baseLinkMove;

    model3d.Content = group;

    #region 1st Joint
    Transform3DGroup firstJointMove = new Transform3DGroup();
    TranslateTransform3D firstJointTranslate = new TranslateTransform3D();
    firstJointTranslate.OffsetX = 10;
    firstJointTranslate.OffsetY = 0;
    firstJointTranslate.OffsetZ = 0;


    RotateTransform3D firstJointRotate = new RotateTransform3D();
    firstJointRotate.Rotation = new AxisAngleRotation3D(new Vector3D(0, 0, 0), 10);
    joint2.Transform = firstJointMove;
    model3d.Content = group;


    Transform3DGroup arm = new Transform3DGroup();

    TranslateTransform3D armTranslate = new TranslateTransform3D();
    RotateTransform3D armRotate = new RotateTransform3D(new AxisAngleRotation3D(new Vector3D(0, 0, 1), 0));
    armTranslate.OffsetX = 0;
    armTranslate.OffsetY = 0;
    armTranslate.OffsetZ = 0;
    baselink.Transform = arm;
    baselink.Transform = arm;
    model3d.Content = group;

    armTranslate = new TranslateTransform3D();
    armRotate = new RotateTransform3D(new AxisAngleRotation3D(new Vector3D(0, 0, 1), 180));
    armTranslate.OffsetX = 20;
    armTranslate.OffsetY = 0;
    armTranslate.OffsetZ = 0;
    joint2.Transform = arm;
    joint2.Transform = arm;
    model3d.Content = group;


    [SharpDX] Why does my model look better when using the deferred RenderTechnique instead of e.g. Blinn/Phong

    Daniel Zibion 8 years ago updated by ก็หมวย นี่คะ 3 weeks ago 212

    Hello everyone,

    When visualizing geometry in the sharpDX viewport, I noticed that all the edges are very jagged and not smooth at all.

    Blinn Rendering

    Image 40

    Deferred Rendering

    Image 41

    This got a lot better when switching to the deferred rendering.

    Is this normal? Is there maybe a way to improve the anti aliasing for the default rendering that I'm not aware of?


    space navigator integration

    JNK 9 years ago updated by kcnp pnt 4 days ago 532


    I have a 3D connexion space navigator. What I must do for integration of this 3D space navigator in my WPF helix toolkit project. Exists some sample?

    Thank you very much.
