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3d model size

Terry Chan 4 years ago updated by anonymous 4 years ago 1

Is it possible to measure and display 3D model size in mm unit?



Cutting and showing the result in a Viewport | MeshGeometry3D to MeshVisual3D

FloP 4 years ago updated 4 years ago 1

i have a problem with Cutting my objects and then showing them.
For the moment i just use the simple Helixtoolkit.Wpf.

To show them i use the MeshVisual3D whicht worked just fine.
Now i want to slice my object multiple times but therefore i need a MeshGeometry3D, which i can create.
My problem now is, how do i achieve that?
I couldnt find a way to convert my MeshGeometry3D to a MeshVisual3D or to a GeometryModel3D (which i think i could use to generate my MeshVisual3D). I also tried to convert it via MeshGeometryHelper which i also couldnt find a way to do it.

So the main question would be, how do i add my MeshGeometry3D to my HelixViewport3D?

I am sorry, if this is a simple question, but i couldnt find an answer yet.

What i do at the moment is as a bad workaround (but at least i can see something) is to convert the Points to Lines like this:

MeshGeometry3D cutted = MeshGeometryHelper.Cut(_compound, cutPlane, new Vector3D(0, 0, 1));
LinesVisual3D lines = new LinesVisual3D();
lines.Thickness = 3;
lines.Points = cutted.Positions;
lines.Color = System.Windows.Media.Colors.Orange;

But that is not really what i want.


teaching material

dwsf 4 years ago updated by nick 3 years ago 1

who is know, where can I find teaching material?


3D model rendering from within C#

MylesDawson 4 years ago 0

On a project we have a user can configure a window to be manufactured. They are able to input many parameters like dimensions, openings, colour, handle, etc. We have a requirement to render a 3D model/CAD image or video of a configured window and make this available to the user.

I am looking for advice on how to approach this. Are there SDKs that you can pass a template file to and then pass in variables for things like the width, height and colour? Frustratingly we have seen this done with other similar systems but are at a loss on how to approach it. thankyou


Designing a 3D scene editor

AveryDawson 4 years ago 0

I'm making a personal project in which I want to make a 3D scene editor, using c#.

The idea is to have floating tool windows in which you can drag items into a 3D visor. The objects dragged could have annimations.

I thinking in using Unitity to do this, but I wonder if there is other alternatives better suited for this task.

Thanks you guys!!


Probably wrong color in DefaultStaticMeshBatchingBuffer?

Christof Rezk Salama 4 years ago updated by nick 3 years ago 1
Hi guys,

first of all, let me thank you for your impressive work on Helix Toolkit.

When looking throught the batches mesh part, it was unclear to my, why in HelixToolkit.UWP.DefaultStaticMeshBatchingBuffer, line 74, the emissive color of the PhongMaterialCore is used instead of the ambient color.

Line 74:    var ambient = material.EmissiveColor.EncodeToFloat();

It looks like a simple copy-and-paste error.



About LoadMaterialLib () of HelixToolkit.Wpf.SharpDX.objReader.cs

greentea175 5 years ago updated by nick 3 years ago 2


I'm watching a sample of HelixToolkit.Wpf.SharpDX.

I'm trying to display an obj file.

Did not appear perfectly.

It seems to ignore Tf and Ni in the mtl file.

I confirmed LoadMaterialLib () of HelixToolkit.Wpf.SharpDX.objReader.cs.

There was no processing of Tf and Ni in switch ().

HelixToolkit.Wpf.SharpDX seemed not to process Tf and Ni. Is it correct?

Thank you.


hole inside polygon

Dani 5 years ago 0

hello there 

hope you are doing well. I am trying to add a hole inside a polygon with arbitrary shape. However, methods such as Cuttingears are not able to create suitable triangles. i wonder if there is any other method to triangulate a polygon with arbitrary shape which includes  a hole with arbitrary shape.  



WPF Helix Toolkit MVVM Exception "...Child of another Visual Tree"

claude 5 years ago updated by anonymous 5 years ago 1

In my project i am trying to integrate some 3D Visualization using Helix Toolkit. A Page showing a ViewPort3D with itemSource bound to a DataContext with an ObservableCollection of Visual3D is one of several Pages which can be displayed in my Application. A Navigation bar lets me switch between these pages.

My problem is that once i have populated my ObservableCollection with Visual3Ds, then navigate to a different page, then return and try to make changes to the ObservableCollection again, I constantly receive an Exception that my collection is already part of another VisualTree!

Presumably, since a new View is instanciated (and presumably the old View still survives somehow)whenever i navigate between pages, but my DataContext is persistant, this is what causes the problem. 

Has anyone come across this problem? Sorry for the rough explanation but my Software is too large to post!



How to get the translated/moved Point position from CursorOnElementPosition.Value.X

RS_FE 5 years ago 0

Hey folks,

when using CursorOnElementPosition.Value.X it retrieves the position of the model which is not tranlated/moved to an offset/animated position.

How do I retrieve the current and translated position of the mouse down point?