hierarchical 3D model via Visual3D and AddVisual3DChild -> only root is rendered...
I am relatively new to the HelixToolkit and I have a (probably simple) question: I want to build a scene out of several .stl files and I aim to employ parent/children relations in order to apply transforms to the whole hierarchy "automatically".
I created the following class to represent a mechanical axis (imagine a robot arm with a few scene graph nodes), but when I build up the data structure, only the root is rendered. The strange thing is: The Visual3D objects cannot be added to the Viewport3D once they have been set as a child somewhere else (e.g. after I added the Visual3D children to the parents, this is expected behaviour afaik). But these children are not rendered (except the root). I do assume I am missing some event or notification I should trigger? I browsed through most of the examples, usually a Model3D is built on the fly if an aggragation of meshes is needed. I would be grateful for any hints in this matter.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Media.Media3D;
using PropertyTools.DataAnnotations;
using BrowsableAttribute = System.ComponentModel.BrowsableAttribute;
using HelixToolkit.Wpf;
namespace Vizualizer_WPF
//class MachineAxis3D : UIElement3D
class MachineAxis3D: ModelVisual3D
public static DependencyProperty RotationAngleProperty = DependencyPropertyEx.Register<double, MachineAxis3D>("RotationAngle", 0, (s, e) => s.AppearanceChanged());
public static readonly DependencyProperty PrincipalDirectionProperty = DependencyPropertyEx.Register<Vector3D, MachineAxis3D>("PrincipalDirection", new Vector3D(1, 0, 0), (s, e) => s.AppearanceChanged());
public MachineAxis3D()
[Slidable(0, 360)]
public double RotationAngle
return (double)this.GetValue(RotationAngleProperty);
this.SetValue(RotationAngleProperty, value);
public Vector3D PrincipalDirection
return (Vector3D)this.GetValue(PrincipalDirectionProperty);
this.SetValue(PrincipalDirectionProperty, value);
public int ChildrenCount()
return this.Visual3DChildrenCount;
public void AddChild(Visual3D visual3D, Model3D model3D)
Model3DGroup newGroup = new Model3DGroup();
Content = newGroup;
// handles the rotation of the axis
private void AppearanceChanged()
var tg = new Transform3DGroup();
tg.Children.Add(new RotateTransform3D(new AxisAngleRotation3D(PrincipalDirection, RotationAngle)));
Transform = tg;
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Solved in the meantime: First of all I realized that the issue is actually connected to WPF and not the HelixToolkit, sorry for that. Then I used the inherited members from the base class ModelVisual3D (e.g. myAxisInstance.Children.Add). My initial class to represent an axis now looks as follows: