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Wrong number of normal vectors.

Anonymous 10 years ago 0
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everytimer wrote at 2014-03-12 08:38:

I'm importing a geometry from a file reading the vertices of the figures. For each type I've wrote the correct indices, for example:
        public GeometryModel3D Generate3D()

               GeometryModel3D My3DModel = new GeometryModel3D(); //Materials ommited

            List<Point3D> puntos = new List<Point3D>();
            List<int> indices = new List<int>();

                if (Elementos[i] is CTRIA3)
                    Point3D p1 = Elementos[i].Grids[0].ToPoint();
                    Point3D p2 = Elementos[i].Grids[1].ToPoint();
                    Point3D p3 = Elementos[i].Grids[2].ToPoint();

                    int n = puntos.Count;

                    indices.Add(n - 3);
                    indices.Add(n - 2);
                    indices.Add(n - 1);


                if (Elementos[i] is CQUAD4)
                    Point3D p1 = Elementos[i].Grids[0].ToPoint();
                    Point3D p2 = Elementos[i].Grids[1].ToPoint();
                    Point3D p3 = Elementos[i].Grids[2].ToPoint();
                    Point3D p4 = Elementos[i].Grids[3].ToPoint();

                    int n = puntos.Count;

                    indices.Add(n - 4);
                    indices.Add(n - 3);
                    indices.Add(n - 2);

                    indices.Add(n - 4);
                    indices.Add(n - 2);
                    indices.Add(n - 1);

            //More geometric stuff

            Mesh3D mesh = new Mesh3D(puntos, indices);
            MeshBuilder mb = new MeshBuilder(false, false); //I've tried the default constructor too

            mb.AddCylinder(new Point3D(0, 0, 0), new Point3D(100, 100, 100), 5, 20);
            mb.Append(mesh.ToMeshGeometry3D()); //I've tried switching the order
            //My3DModel.Geometry = mesh.ToMeshGeometry3D();
            My3DModel.Geometry = mb.ToMesh();
            return My3DModel;
What I want is to use both, manually created figures and using MeshBuilder class (for tubes, cones etc). But if I use the append method to try than, even if I do not add any stuff with the MeshBuilder I get this exception:
An unhandled exception of type 'System.InvalidOperationException' occurred in HelixToolkit.Wpf.dll
Additional information: Wrong number of normal vectors.

What can I do to fix this situation? I know that there is a method called add triangles but It would be a bit difficult to implement for me right now.

objo wrote at 2014-03-12 15:56:

This looks like a bug in Mesh3D or MeshBuilder. I don't think you need to use a Mesh3D here. Try to use a mb.Append(puntos, indices)

Zoom/Rotate around the mouse down point

Anonymous 10 years ago 0
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khatran79 wrote at 2013-10-14 10:43:


Can you help me with an example of "Zoom/Rotate around the mouse down point"? I failed when trying to search from document.



3D Boolean Operations?

Anonymous 10 years ago 0
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3dguy wrote at 2013-04-18 02:10:

Is there a way to perform 3D Boolean operations like GeometryCombineMode in WPF 2D Graphics?

objo wrote at 2013-04-18 09:37:

Sorry, this library only contains functionality to cut MeshGeometry3D by planes. See the MeshGeometryHelper.Cut method. I am not planning to add more advanced 3D boolean operations here.

Ruler (like photoshop ruler)

Anonymous 10 years ago 0
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behnam263 wrote at 2014-05-31 08:53:

I need a ruler in my project for helixviewport like Photoshop Ruler in 2D(in zoom values change to cm and then to mm).
Could you tell me where i should start to get this approach?
Is there any built-in element in helix for this?

behnam263 wrote at 2014-08-02 20:19:

i mean by ruler is like this in 3d space with zoom and move (not rotate) , finding measures for an image or a plane.

subtracting one shape from another

will 9 years ago updated by Schwabelbauch 9 years ago 3

Say I have 2 spheres(SphereVisual3D) and place them so that they overlap. Can I somehow subtract one from the other such that one sphere will have a dimple on it? Or subtracting a cylinder from a box to create a hole?

For a hole, maybe a circular cutting plane and triangulate the hole wall?

I know I can do this in Blender and the like and export the model, but what I'm basically trying to achieve is to have a single model and parameterize a few dimensions.

Any help or nudges would be greatly appreciated.


ScatterViews, Touch Events and Manipulators

Anonymous 10 years ago 0
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Darkounet789 wrote at 2014-02-24 16:15:

Hi everyone !

I added a 3d viewport inside a scatterview item. So I had to manually add a manipulator to the cameracontroller in order to catch the manipulation events on the viewport, otherwise the scatterview catch it. I did it this way :
        private void HV3DTouchDown(object sender, TouchEventArgs e)
            CameraController cameraController = Viewport3D.CameraController;
                Manipulation.AddManipulator(Viewport3D, e.TouchDevice.AsManipulator());
                Console.WriteLine("Error occured in Sketch3D.HV3DTouchDown");
            e.Handled = true;

        private void HV3DTouchLeave(object sender, TouchEventArgs e)
            CameraController cameraController = Viewport3D.CameraController;
                Manipulation.RemoveManipulator(cameraController, e.TouchDevice.AsManipulator());
                Console.WriteLine("Error occured in Sketch3D.HV3DTouchLeave");
            e.Handled = true;
But now, I would like to catch the manipulation on a manipulator (or any other 3D object in my scene) and I can't figure out how to achieve it, because of the AddManipulator method which only takes a UIElement and not a UIElement3D...

Is there any workaround about this ?

Thanks in advance ! Regards.
(Sorry for my bad english...)

Create a tube of specific wall thickness

Anonymous 10 years ago 0
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bradphelan wrote at 2013-07-10 09:56:

Hi there, nice library.

I've used MeshBuilder.AddTube to create a tube with open ends. If I wanted to create a tube with a specific wall thickness is there a method somewhere to create a shell from a such a surface?

I guess I'm looking for something like this

objo wrote at 2013-07-12 23:08:

I think you can create another tube, and then reverse the triangle indices to flip the normals to the inside.
But it would desirable to improve the current MeshBuilder method to support inner diameters and end caps! Sorry, I can't help you with this at the moment.

Turntable lockup after Animation

Anonymous 10 years ago 0
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cobra18t wrote at 2011-12-07 22:03:

I have a few hotkeys that animate the camera in a HelixViewport3D to predefined positions and loodirections. After animating to those positions, the turntable control locks up so that only tilting left/right is available (changing updirection). Looking up/down or left/right is locked up. After clicking the view cube, the look control is reset and I can look around again.

Is there something that I can do in the code to make the turntable control available after an animation without clicking the view cube?



objo wrote at 2011-12-07 22:13:

What is the FillBehaviour of your animation? If it is HoldEnd you can try to change it to Stop.

I am also setting the end value before starting the camera animations, but not sure if this is the correct way to do it...

cobra18t wrote at 2011-12-07 22:43:

Thanks, that did it. I am not a fan of setting the end value before animating, but it works. I need to double check that it is not displaying a single frame at the end position before animating from the start to end. That could really mess up my system.

Thanks again!


Help with Scale Manipulator!!!

Anonymous 10 years ago 0
This discussion was imported from CodePlex

Raathigesh wrote at 2013-01-22 16:41:


First of all thank you for the excellent toolkit.

I saw the example where translate manipulator used as a scale manipulator.

Example in xaml :

<ht:SphereVisual3D x:Name="sphere1" Center="-4,0,0" Fill="Orange"/>
<ht:TranslateManipulator Color="Black" Position="-4,0,0" Offset="0,0,1" Length="1" Value="{Binding Radius, ElementName=sphere1}" Direction="0,0,1"/>

Can some one please guide to do the exact same thing in code behind. 

  EllipsoidVisual3D sphere = (EllipsoidVisual3D)model.Visual3D;

  TranslateManipulator x = new TranslateManipulator();
   x.Direction = new Vector3D(0, 0, 1);
   x.Length = 10;
   x.Color = Colors.Black;

  //Guide me to use this as a scale manipulator instead of Translate Manipulator

Thanks :)


Source I guess I was wrong.

Anonymous 10 years ago 0
This discussion was imported from CodePlex

DongMini wrote at 2013-02-05 01:13:

File : Source\HelixToolkit.Wpf\Controls\CameraController\RotateHandler.cs

Line 203
        if ((newUpDirection - modUpDir).Length > 1e-8)
            d = 0.2;
        if ((newUpDirection - modUpDir).Length < 1e-8)

I guess you're right.

objo wrote at 2013-02-07 20:06:

I don't see where you got the first code block from...

The other block looks suspicious, I agree. It is possible this change of up direction is not necessary - but I don't remember what I tried to achieve there. Should have added some more comments...

Do you find the "turnball" :-) mode useful? It was implemented as an experimental mixture of the turntable and trackball rotation modes...