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Also try the chat room!
Problem uploading the texture of some .obj files
Thanks for great library. During several past months I was working with your library and I was able to upload different object files and corresponding textures using objreader class.
However, when I try to load any .obj from Stanford Scene Database Helix cannot show the textures.
I tried different things but yet no success. Could you please help me?
How to update ModelVIsual3d in runtime
Hi all!, i'm using HelixToolkit to show same result, but recibe a the result from other program. i need to show the result in runtime, but when i open it only show the last result. someone know how i can do to update modelVisual3d in runtime? thanks
NuGet - could not install 2015.1.698 with .NET 3.5: Necessary References
Hi All,
I need to target .Net 3.5. When I use NuGet, it says:
Severity |
Code |
Description |
Project |
File |
Line |
Suppression State |
Error |
Could not install package 'HelixToolkit 2015.1.698'. You are trying to install this package into a project that targets '.NETFramework,Version=v3.5', but the package does not contain any assembly references or content files that are compatible with that framework. For more information, contact the package author. |
0 |
What packages do I need exactly?
Help with data binding
Perhaps this is a dumb question - apologies in advance. I have followed the example program to plot a 3d point cloud in
Viewport3DX control. Please can someone tell me how I can update the
points such that new ones appear on the screen. I don't fully understand
how these are bound? Many thanks in advance.
It's easy to reproduce this, just add two tabitems with different helixviewports.
xaml code:
<TabControl> <TabItem Header="Tab1"> <h:HelixViewport3D> <h:BoxVisual3D x:Name="box1" Center="-3.5,0,1" Height="3" Fill="Silver"/> <h:TranslateManipulator Color="Blue" Position="-3.5,0,1" Offset="0,0,1.5" Length="1" Value="{Binding Height, ElementName=box1, Converter={StaticResource Multiplier}}" Direction="0,0,1"/> </h:HelixViewport3D> </TabItem> <TabItem Header="Tab2"> <h:HelixViewport3D> <h:BoxVisual3D x:Name="box2" Center="-3.5,0,1" Height="3" Fill="Silver"/> <h:TranslateManipulator Color="Red" Position="-3.5,0,1" Offset="0,0,1.5" Length="1" Value="{Binding Height, ElementName=box2, Converter={StaticResource Multiplier}}" Direction="0,0,1"/> </h:HelixViewport3D> </TabItem> </TabControl>
It works perfect in the first tabitem, but in the second tabItem I got binding error:
Cannot find source for binding with reference 'ElementName=box1'. BindingExpression:Path=Height; DataItem=null; target element is 'TranslateManipulator' (HashCode=28505784); target property is 'Value' (type 'Double')
Does anyone have a workaround or solution for this issue??
F Wired
CombinedManipulator question
avgjoe wrote at 2012-03-11 18:39:
First off...Kick ass toolkit btw! The examples gave me a good starting point.
The first thing I’m attempting to do is combine the ManipulatorDemo with the ModelViewer example.
I’ve added the following code to the ModelViewer to allow the model to be repositioned and rotated. The visual rotate manipulators appear to grow in size but the translate manipulators do not. Am I missing something here?
private void ModelLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
CombinedManipulator manipulator = new CombinedManipulator();
Rect3D rect = Visual3DHelper.FindBounds(view1.Children);
manipulator.Diameter = rect.Y;
objo wrote at 2012-03-11 20:56:
To me it seems like the manipulation transform is applied twice to the manipulator. Adding the manipulator one level higher in the Visual3D tree should avoid it:
Sorry the "ModelViewer" example is not in good shape, I am planning to improve it, hopefully this year :)
Mrme wrote at 2013-08-01 10:02:
thebestgin wrote at 2014-08-05 15:32:
The problem is the emty methode OnDiameterChanged() at line 404.
Here my suggestion:
/// <summary>
/// The on diameter changed.
/// </summary>
protected virtual void OnDiameterChanged()
double radius = this.Diameter / 2;
double newArrowLength = radius + radius * 0.4;
this.TranslateXManipulator.Length = newArrowLength;
this.TranslateYManipulator.Length = newArrowLength;
this.TranslateZManipulator.Length = newArrowLength;
double newArrowDiameter = newArrowLength * 0.075;
this.TranslateXManipulator.Diameter = newArrowDiameter;
this.TranslateYManipulator.Diameter = newArrowDiameter;
this.TranslateZManipulator.Diameter = newArrowDiameter;
double newInnerDiameter = this.Diameter - this.Diameter * 0.12;
this.RotateXManipulator.InnerDiameter = newInnerDiameter;
this.RotateYManipulator.InnerDiameter = newInnerDiameter;
this.RotateZManipulator.InnerDiameter = newInnerDiameter;
Context menu
ddklo wrote at 2012-03-03 00:06:
I was wondering if there were a recommended way of showing a context menu when the user rights clicks in the HelixViewport3D? Currently we are subscribing to the mouse down event, but there are some problems relating to the mouse being capture and not released (maybe because the right mouse button is also used to move). Is there a way to add a ShowContextMenu Command/Gesture?
Regards Dagfinn
objo wrote at 2012-03-10 16:14:
I have used a standard wpf context menu on a HelixViewport3D in an application that shows a list of selectable items on left mouse clicks, but I have not tried it on the right mouse button. Should add an example that opens a context menu on both left and right clicks. For the left click context menu I had to open the context menu manually by setting IsOpen=true.
davidop wrote at 2013-05-28 14:53:
Change model3dgroup associated to model3d
AlexanderPD wrote at 2013-03-26 20:49:
all is going well but now i need to reproduce my video, obj after obj.
in public MainWindow() i do this:
this.KinectGroup = new Model3DGroup();
Model = KinectGroup;
and the rendered model is the kinectGroup i set. All fine!but now i need to unbind that KinectGroup and use another group, the one i'm using to reproduce the "video"
This is my try:
Model3DGroup group = HelixToolkit.Wpf.ModelImporter.Load(extractPath + @"\model1.obj");
Model = new GeometryModel3D();
Model = group;
i tried to reinitialize the model and associate my group to it.. but this seems to do nothing! I still see the older group (my 2 kinects input) while it still refresh itself :(how i can do this? thank you!
AlexanderPD wrote at 2013-03-29 14:29:
How to Enable Touch?
cmouritsen wrote at 2014-01-29 16:14:
Is there an example for enabling Touch? Is all I need to do set IsManipulationEnabled to true on the Helix3DViewPort?
objo wrote at 2014-01-29 19:44:
class sets
IsManipulationEnabled = true
cmouritsen wrote at 2014-01-29 19:50:
<StackPanel Name="previewPanel" Margin="450,0,0,0" Width="430" Height="580">
<HelixToolkit:HelixViewport3D x:Name="modelPreview" Width="430" Height="580" ZoomExtentsWhenLoaded="True" ModelUpDirection="0,1,0">
<PerspectiveCamera LookDirection="0,0,-1" UpDirection="0,1,0"/>
<HelixToolkit:DefaultLights />
<ModelVisual3D x:Name="model3D"/>
This didn't respond to Touch at all. Then I tried setting IsManipulationEnabled="True" on the HelixViewport3D and that caused it to have some response to Touch, but it still wasn't usable. I'm sure I'm doing something wrong, but I have no idea what.
I'm testing the Touch on a Windows 8.1 Touchscreen laptop.objo wrote at 2014-01-29 19:59:
The examples are working with touch events on my Windows 8.1 machine (one finger to rotate, two fingers to pan and pinch to zoom).
Your code looks ok. Are you loading a really big model? Try to replace the ModelVisual3D with a simple cube visual.
cmouritsen wrote at 2014-01-29 20:07:
cmouritsen wrote at 2014-01-29 21:54:
objo wrote at 2014-02-02 12:14:
and ManipulationDelta
events are used the same way as
and MouseMove
.ModelViewer code doesn't recognize materials
pggarland wrote at 2013-02-08 04:43:
objo wrote at 2013-02-10 16:16:
pggarland wrote at 2013-02-12 04:09:
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