Change model3dgroup associated to model3d
This discussion was imported from CodePlex
AlexanderPD wrote at 2013-03-26 20:49:
Hi, my project started from your kinect example. I'm trying to do a kinect recorder and player.
all is going well but now i need to reproduce my video, obj after obj.
in public MainWindow() i do this:
but now i need to unbind that KinectGroup and use another group, the one i'm using to reproduce the "video"
This is my try:
how i can do this? thank you!
all is going well but now i need to reproduce my video, obj after obj.
in public MainWindow() i do this:
this.KinectGroup = new Model3DGroup();
Model = KinectGroup;
and the rendered model is the kinectGroup i set. All fine!but now i need to unbind that KinectGroup and use another group, the one i'm using to reproduce the "video"
This is my try:
Model3DGroup group = HelixToolkit.Wpf.ModelImporter.Load(extractPath + @"\model1.obj");
Model = new GeometryModel3D();
Model = group;
i tried to reinitialize the model and associate my group to it.. but this seems to do nothing! I still see the older group (my 2 kinects input) while it still refresh itself :(how i can do this? thank you!
AlexanderPD wrote at 2013-03-29 14:29:
Solved by removing kinectGroup's children and adding the new ones. Maybe not optimal solution but it works :\
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