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FEX: An example of some capabilities of Helix!

everytimer 10 years ago updated by TheInevitable360 1 year ago 29
Hello dear Helix mates!
I always loved Helix examples library: many examples and every one with something particularly interesting.
Last few months I've been developing a small but fairly complex application that is based on Helix Toolkit (WPF). If you are developing using this library you might be interested in seeing some of its features!

Image 11

I have written a small article covering some highlights for Helix Toolkit users:

  • Custom design Orientation Cube
  • More ScreenSpaceVisual3D
  • Rotation around screen perpendicular axis
  • Improving performance by hiding mesh visuals
  • Several layers to enable hover visuals, selection and more
  • Transparency and sorting
  • Hit detection even not directly over the Visual

you can read it here:

PD. FEX is mainly for engineers who work with Finite Element Method models (in this case Nastran). I've attached an example for all of you in order to be able to experiment and play a little bit.

It would be awesome to hear back from you of what do you think of this!



Tubidy Video Music Search Engine

tubidyc 8 years ago updated by anonymous 5 years ago 4

Tubidy is a website which you actually meant for mobile phones, where you can play music, watch videos and do other similar tasks for free. You can even listen to Tubidy music and Tubidy video with the help of Tubidy free website. The website is worth visiting, if you are having an efficient mobile device. Once you visit the website you can see the power of Tubidy technology for your complete entertainment. The website is actually free to use, but you can see ads, which is one of the ways to gather revenue for the website. Thus open and enjoy the website.

Tubidy is a mobile video search engine which makes it easy to search for your favorite tubidy mp3, tubidy clips, movies, cartoons and many more. Disover upcoming cartoons, play mobile videos for free wherever you are, whenever you want. Download new and trending tubidy mp3 songs, search directly for tracks, artists and albums. Find new movies now playing in theaters, get movie times, watch trailers, browse tubidy videos and the hottest TV shows online.

3GP This video file type is made specifically with 3G smartphones in mind so that playback is the best it can possibly be. It also works on most 2G and 4G phones as well. The 3GP file type is available in either HD or Regular quality. Users can also choose to divide the file anywhere from 2-4 parts by choosing the 3GP Regular Parts options, or they can download 10 second previews in 3GP format to see if the file is what they want.

MP3 MP3 stands for MPEG-1 Audio Layer recorded in a compressed audio format and this format is given to the voices.

MP4 despite the similarity in each name, is not a continuation of MP3s. MP3 and MP4 formats are quite different from each other. MP3, MPEG-1 Audio Layer 3 stands for.

VideosThis video file type is notoriously difficult to play on smartphones, so computer users will get more use out of this one. Compared to Windows Media Player video files, the mp4 takes up significantly less space and is a favorite of users with video editing software, as mp4s are compatible with most programs.


Is there a functionality for model hit with some tolerance?

kotsabiukmv98 6 years ago updated by axaxxy 1 8 hours ago 630

For example, when I try hit model 3 pixels aside model will be hit.


How to use ExtrudedVisual3D to get a solid shape

jclu98 9 years ago updated by polla poland 3 weeks ago 207

I was able to use ExtrudedVisual3D to get a extruded shape along a 3D path. But how do I make it solid? Right now, the extruded shape I got is hollow (means you can see through). How do I make it solid or at least add caps to both ends. I already spent many days on this but still could not figure out.


Drawing Polygon with CuttingEars algorithm

Anonymous 10 years ago 0
This discussion was imported from CodePlex

Darkounet789 wrote at 2014-02-05 11:00:

Hi there !

I'm very new to Helix3D (even WPF...) and I've a newby question about a way to draw polygons from scratch. I just can't figure out how the function AddPolygonByCuttingEars should be used ^^" Here is my current code :
var visualMesh = new MeshVisual3D();
var geometry = new GeometryModel3D();
var meshbuilder = new MeshBuilder(false,false);
var polygon = new[]
        new Point(1, 1),
        new Point(1, 2),
        new Point(4, 3),
        new Point(2, 1),
        new Point(1.5, 1.5)
var polygon3D = new[]
        new Point3D(1, 1,0),
        new Point3D(1, 2,0),
        new Point3D(4, 3,0),
        new Point3D(2, 1,0),
        new Point3D(1.5, 1.5,0)

var result = CuttingEarsTriangulator.Triangulate(polygon);
/* 1 */
/* 2 */
/* 3 */
geometry.Geometry = meshbuilder.ToMesh();
geometry.Material = MaterialHelper.CreateMaterial(Colors.OrangeRed);
visualMesh.Content = geometry;
The polygons are /convex/ -edited- -> concave !.
  1. The flatten Polygon3D only appear with false, false as attributes of the MeshBuilder constructor, otherwise I get a 'System.InvalidOperationException' in HelixToolkit.Wpf.dll. However some faces are upside down and the shape is finally not /convex/ -edited- -> concave ! =s
  2. meshbuilder.AddPolygon(result) line works, but no shapes appears... even with true, true in the MeshBuilder constructor.
  3. With meshbuilder.AddPolygonByCuttingEars(result); I get a 'System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException' in mscorlib.dll, and I don't really know why...
I'me sure I'm doing it wrong, if someone could explain how it should work or lead me to a working example of the cutting ears function usages, it would be great !

Thank you in advance for your answers !

/ Edit /
I said convex, of course, they are concave ^^" sorry !

Darkounet789 wrote at 2014-02-06 11:21:

Hi !

I think I got it ! I just drawn each triangle by using the indexes given by the cuttingears algorithm. I don't know if it's the right way to do it, but it works ^^.
var visualMesh = new MeshVisual3D();
var geometry = new GeometryModel3D();
var meshbuilder = new MeshBuilder(true, true);
var polygon = new PointCollection()
      new Point(1, 1),
      new Point(1, 2),
      new Point(2, 3),
      new Point(3, 2),
      new Point(4, 4),
      new Point(4, 2),
      new Point(3, 1)

var result = CuttingEarsTriangulator.Triangulate(polygon);

List<int> tri = new List<int>();
for (int i = 0; i < result.Count; i++)
      if (tri.Count == 3)
            Console.WriteLine("Triangle " + (i / 3).ToString() + " : " + tri[0].ToString() + ", " + tri[1].ToString() + ", " + tri[2].ToString());
            meshbuilder.AddTriangle(new Point3D(polygon[tri[0]].X, polygon[tri[0]].Y, 0),
                new Point3D(polygon[tri[1]].X, polygon[tri[1]].Y, 0),
                new Point3D(polygon[tri[2]].X, polygon[tri[2]].Y, 0));

geometry.Geometry = meshbuilder.ToMesh();
geometry.Material = MaterialHelper.CreateMaterial(Colors.OrangeRed);
visualMesh.Content = geometry;
However, I encounter and new issue... the triangles I'm drawing are one-sided. Only the upper side of the face is rendered. Is there a way to make the triangles double-sided ?

/ FIXED / : I didn't know I had to set a backmaterial. I discovered that in an another topic ^^

Darkounet789 wrote at 2014-02-13 16:03:

Hey everybody !

You shouldn't use the code I wrote in my previous posts. Instead of this, I now use this couple of functions to fill a polygon with triangles.
//Support for 2D polygons

        public static MeshGeometry3D FillPolygon(Polygon p)
            List<Point3D> pts3D = new List<Point3D>();
            foreach (var point in p.Points)
                pts3D.Add(new Point3D(point.X, point.Y, 0));
            Polygon3D p3 = new Polygon3D(pts3D);
            return FillPolygon(p3);

//For 3D polygons

        public static MeshGeometry3D FillPolygon(Polygon3D p3)
            var meshBuilder = new MeshBuilder(false, false);

            Polygon polygon = p3.Flatten();
            var triangleIndexes = CuttingEarsTriangulator.Triangulate(polygon.Points);

            meshBuilder.Append(p3.Points, triangleIndexes);
            return meshBuilder.ToMesh();
The Append method of the MeshBuilder made my day...

Feel free to reuse !

AddExtrudedGeometry problem

MCv 7 years ago updated by nxymin10 1 year ago 203

Hi Everyone,

I'm trying to create a simple 3d object, extruded one out of 4 pairs of 2D coordinates. But what I'm getting - is a 2d object. I can't understand: it's a my mistake or something else is wrong?

Here is my xaml code:

        <helix:HelixViewport3D x:Name="view1" Background="LightBlue" IsHeadLightEnabled="True" >

            <helix:MeshGeometryVisual3D  MeshGeometry="{Binding GlassGeometry}" Fill="White"/>

And code behind method:

  public MeshGeometry3D GlassGeometry
                var builder = new MeshBuilder(true, true);                 List<Point> pints2D = new List<Point>()
                    new Point(-1, -1),
                    new Point(0, -1),
                    new Point(1, 1),
                    new Point(-1, 1)
                Point3D sp = new Point3D(0, 0, 0);
                Point3D ep = new Point3D(0, 0, 1);

               builder.AddExtrudedGeometry(pints2D, new Vector3D(1,0, 0), sp, ep);

                return builder.ToMesh(true);

What I'm expecting to see is just a cube(in this case). But in the future I would like to get something like this:

Image 107

But now my result looks like:

Image 108

Image 109

Or is it a possibility to create a 3d Object in code using 8 pairs of 3D coordinates?

Thank you in advance.


Tubidy Mobile Music Seech Engine System

tubidy30 7 years ago updated by ไอยดา สุรีวงค์ 4 years ago 1

You can review our news to download and install Tubidy. Smart phones increase everyone how to convert tubidy mp3 conversion application to see if you have any questions. We're for you for the last time, one of the most preferred application Tubidy's. Tubidy is what good information.. Tubidy is fairly simple to download and install. One of the most popular applications with Mp3 can convert easily Tubidy and can be downloaded. Portable device lyrics download program you can download music for free with mobile Tubidy. You can create your own music by downloading the MP3 list. Tubidy mp3 download site, you can install it to your phone with download and mp3 songs. Tubidy with phone and tablet you can download any of your music. The video from youtube or at any music in mp3 format you can download to your phone. Many users listen to music and likes music, enters to the Internet to download mp3 s. Related to this topic on the internet are just a few of the many website but this one unfortunately. In addition to the presence of a trusted music site difficult to many of us to listen to music or Internet access to download not only bilgisayarımızdan while at the same time we started to take advantage of from our cell phones. This is also a situation that I consider both will introduce you to the site today. You can download free music, free mp3 is a site where you can download tubidy, worldwide internet phenomena include already. In our country, have a rapidly rising search volume is becoming a site recently that everyone uses tubidy solid steps forward

Mobile Music Sites :


Manipulator OnMouseDown event is not firing

Mike1955e 9 years ago 0

I recently downloaded the latest code for the toolkit. I then tried out all of the demos and found that the manipulator demo does not work. All of the manipulators remain stationary. I placed a breakpoint at the OnMouseDown event and it was never reached. Can someone explain what I'm missing?


Control Zoom in/out

Anonymous 10 years ago 0
This discussion was imported from CodePlex

veerammalkumaran wrote at 2014-08-07 12:11:

I can zoom in/out using mouse wheel. But it goes infinity. How to prevent the zoom in/out at a particular position?
IsZoomEnabled option is disabled the zoom in/out, but I want prevent the user from zoom in/out infinitely.
Is there any way to do this...?

everytimer wrote at 2014-08-08 01:31:

You can try to disabling the zoom (IsZoomEnabled) when the camera is further than a specific value, there is a property that indicates you the Camera Distance. Create an event for the wheel and play with the delta. I'm not sure about this as I've never tried it. Good luck!

veerammalkumaran wrote at 2014-08-08 08:31:

Thanks for the answer, the problem is IsZoomEnabled stops the camera distance then when should we enable the zoom.
we can disable based on the camera movements, once disabled the camera won't move then when that should be enabled.

veerammalkumaran wrote at 2014-08-08 09:47:

I done that using PreviewMouseWheel event of view port 3d (MouseWheel event doesn't trigger on helix view port 3d)
        private void viewPort3D_PreviewMouseWheel(object sender, MouseWheelEventArgs e)
            if (viewPort3D.Camera.LookDirection.Length >= 800 && e.Delta<0)
                e.Handled = true;

            if (viewPort3D.Camera.LookDirection.Length <= 15 && e.Delta > 0)
                e.Handled = true;

Selidbe - saveti, preselite se što lakše

Marko Nikolic 8 years ago updated by Kong Lee 3 years ago 184

Put do preseljenja u novi dom prati dosta obaveza, organizacije, rada pa cesto kod vecine ljudi I dosta stresa I napora. Ako se svi potrebni radovi u novom stanu ili kuci zavrse na vreme od useljenja mozete napraviti cak I zabavnu akciju u kojoj ce naravno ucestvovati cela porodica.

Vratimo se na prvobitno stanje. Jos uvek ste u svom trenutnom zivotnom prostoru I predstoji Vam selidba. Najvise bi Vam odgovarao carobni stapic kojim biste se jednim potezom prebacili na novu destinaciju ali… Naoruzajte se voljom za rad I krenite I to prvo od onih stvari I predmeta koji Vam u ovom trenutku nisu potrebni. Kutija po kutija I Vi se polako oprastate od Vase dnevne, spavace sobe I ostalih starih prostorija za koje Vas veze gomila uspomena. Ako svaki spakovani paket, kutiju ili kesu obelezite odnosno napisete sta ste unutra spakovali to ce Vam znatno olaksati raspakivanje.

Nakon toga morate napraviti precizan plan o transportu svih pripremljenih paketa kao i namestaja, tehnike I sl. U eri kompjutera I interneta to je veoma jednostavno, jednim klikom po Vasoj tastaturi pronadjite ekipu koja ce selidbu obaviti u najkracem roku.

Ako ste sve pripremili, radnici firme selidbe beograd koja se na profesionalan nacin bavi svim vrstama selidbi moze biti ispred Vasih vrata. Nakon iznosenja I utovara, kamion sa Vasim stvarima moze da krene. Vama nista drugo ne preostaje vec da svoj dosadasnji dom zakljucate I krenete, I naravno sa sobom ponesete lepe uspomene iz njega.

Niste ni trepnuli a Vi ste vec u svom novom domu I vreme je za raspakovanje. Kako ne bi doslo do nereda I zbrke sada kada ste medju gomilom kutija I paketa najbolje je drzati se sistema koji ste pratili kao I kada ste se pakovali. Ponovo kutija po kutija, bez zurbe I napetosti I nove prostorije ce polako bivati opremljene. Posto niste u mogucnosti odmah da spremate obroke I kuhinju za tako kratko vreme osposobite za koriscenje, porucite nesto od hrane, spakujte decu u krevet I u miru provedite ostatak veceri.