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how do i use doublekeydictionary in my unity project?

Thomas Clifton Olivent 10 years ago 0
I've downloaded the master file, but aside from that, I have no idea where to place it or what to do with it.

How to get a element/object and then rotate it?

Anonymous 10 years ago 0
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musicxpg wrote at 2013-03-20 04:35:

I made a 3d model in 3dmax. There is a fan in the model. I want to rotate the fan. There are some questions:
  1. How can I get handler of the fan? I named the fan in the 3ds file. Can I get the handler?
  2. How can I rotate it? There are two examples in Helix, however, the elements were generated in the examples, other than from 3ds file.
  3. How can I change the color of the fan using Helix?
Thanks again for this amazing toolkit. And many many thanks to Objo!


Manipulation Events on a HelixViewport3D

Anonymous 10 years ago 0
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JohnSourcer wrote at 2012-12-10 12:50:

Hi All,

I've created a HelixViewport3D which contains a SphereVisual3D. I'm trying to capture manipulation events on it. Does anybody know if this is supported?

HV3D.ZoomExtentsWhenLoaded = true;
HV3D.Viewport.IsManipulationEnabled = true;
HV3D.Viewport.ManipulationStarting += Viewport_ManipulationStarting;
Never fires but TouchDown events fire on HV3D. Does anyone have any guidance on this?

JohnSourcer wrote at 2012-12-10 13:32:

Apols, this has something to do with it being in a Scatterview.

nsousa wrote at 2013-04-04 18:47:

I have the same problem.

Manipulation events don't work inside a ScatterViewItem.

Anyone has a solution to this problem?

objo wrote at 2013-04-15 12:47:

Is this related to the Surface SDK? Do I need Surface hardware to reproduce this?

nsousa wrote at 2013-04-15 12:54:

Yes, it's related to the Surface SDK.

No, you don't need to have Surface hardware.
You can use the Input Simulator (available in the Surface SDK) to reproduce it.

Is it possible to find distance between camera and a mesh?

Anonymous 10 years ago 0
This discussion was imported from CodePlex

behnam263 wrote at 2014-07-25 21:00:

I need to know that is it possible to measure distance between camera position and mesh position?(for example camera position to center of mesh)

BogusException wrote at 2014-07-25 21:31:


If you mean the center of the mesh, there has to be at least 2 ways to use the mesh center as origin and camera position in 3d in a simple trig function... as in this example...

Or are you talking about the nearest point/vertices to the camera?

This may help as well, not knowing the actual issue: Fitting view with perspective camera

How to limite camera zoom In/Out

Anonymous 10 years ago 0
This discussion was imported from CodePlex

Moez_rebai wrote at 2014-07-18 12:24:

I'm trying to visualize a mesh using Helix 3D, it works fine, the only problem i got is how to limite the HelixViewport3D camera zoom. In fact, sometimes my model disappear when i zoom in or out.

Before Zoom :

After Zoom

Any idea how can i solve that issue

everytimer wrote at 2014-07-18 20:54:

Have you tried PerspectiveCamera instead of Orthographic one?

How to control the trackball via code?

Anonymous 10 years ago 0
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zoras1986 wrote at 2013-04-21 23:25:

Hello everyone,
i'm starting my project from the contour demo samples of this awesome tool, but i cannot figure out how to control the trackball (don't know if is right call it like this, i mean the cude with the face "L, B, U, R, S..") by code in a wpf application (so c#). i can't figure out if it's something about the camera (view1.SetView(...)). or the model (model1.transform(...))
can someone help me?
a little piece of code
   <ht:HelixViewport3D x:Name="view1" Camera="{ht:PerspectiveCamera 5.3,-12.3,3.3,-6.3,11,-6.6}" CameraChanged="view1_cameraChanged" ShowCameraInfo="True"  Margin="0,71,0,0">
        <ht:FileModelVisual3D x:Name="model1" Source="D:/MARCO/Onthebrain/WPF - 3D - Kinect/Contour sample di Helix/Contour_demo/Contour_demo/bin/Debug/Astronaut.3ds"/>
inside a grid...
in the .cs file i want to simulate the "right mouse click + mouse movement" input, as in the example, but in code...


Anonymous 10 years ago 0
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murray_b wrote at 2012-05-10 04:35:

Hi Objo

Can I please request you make widthDirection propery public on this class like the lengthDirection.

I would like to use it for placement of labels at all the grid intersections.



murray_b wrote at 2012-05-10 05:01:

Actually don't worry. Another day of stupidity for me

I just found your code

 this.widthDirection = Vector3D.CrossProduct(this.Normal, this.lengthDirection);


How to Draw a Funnel

Anonymous 10 years ago 0
This discussion was imported from CodePlex

AQSRanck wrote at 2014-06-25 02:38:

I wonder if anyone could suggest an approach to drawing a funnel?

objo wrote at 2014-06-25 09:55:

See the usage of MeshBuilder.AddSurfaceOfRevolution in the example Source\Examples\WPF\ExampleBrowser\Examples\BuildingDemo\SiloVisual3D.cs, I think a similar approach can be used to model a funnel.

AQSRanck wrote at 2014-06-25 13:59:

Thank you very much. I have been using Helix for several months in an application that is designed for the residential construction market. I would rather not publish the results yet but if you would send me a direct email, I will share a number of screen shots with you. I am most grateful for your work and "brag" about both Caliburn Micro and Helix (which are both in the same class of excellence) at each of the Microsoft meetings that I attend.


AQSRanck wrote at 2014-06-26 04:15:

Hello objo,

Thank you for your suggestion, I should not have much trouble creating a FunnelVisual3D. But I have hit a real snag. I work in VB rather than C# so I need to write my own version of theSiloVisual3D. However, I don't understand the lambda contained in the Dependency property, shown below.
public static readonly DependencyProperty DiameterProperty =
      DependencyPropertyEx.Register<double, SiloVisual3D>("Diameter", 40, (s, e) => s.AppearanceChanged());
My version for VB will look about like this: (However the lambda is not quite right)
Public Shared ReadOnly DiameterProperty As DependencyProperty =
     DependencyPropertyEx.Register(Of Double, SiloVisual3D)("Diameter", 40, Function(s, e) s.AppearanceChanged())
I'm not asking for you to fix my code, but rather to help me understand the C# version, so that I can fix the VB version myself.

Once I master SiloVisual3D (in VB) I fully expect to create an entire library of specialized visuals for my needs, so getting past this snag is kind of important for me.
Now that I see this example from Building Demo, the funnel shape should not be to hard.


objo wrote at 2014-06-26 05:43:

Sorry I don't know how to write the lambda in VB.
But you could change to standard dependency property registration with DependencyProperty.Register, see
Make sure you add the property changed calback to the metadata.

RobPerkins wrote at 2014-06-26 17:15:


Public Shared ReadOnly DiameterProperty As DependencyProperty =
     DependencyPropertyEx.Register(Of Double, SiloVisual3D)("Diameter", 40, Sub(s, e) s.AppearanceChanged())
(because the lambda is supposed to be a function returning "void" (in C# terms) and in VB, that's represented with a Sub() lambda instead of a Function() )

AQSRanck wrote at 2014-06-26 17:45:

Would you believe that I spent the better part of a day because I forgot that rule.
Thank you very much Rob

HelixViewport3D's camera commands -- XAML bindings possible?

Anonymous 10 years ago 0
This discussion was imported from CodePlex

RobPerkins wrote at 2012-10-02 04:51:

I've gotten myself lost again. 

Well, not that lost; my application is using the HelixViewPort3D, which of course comes with the ViewCube and key bindings for orienting views. That's working perfectly. 

Now I have other UI elements *around* the HelixViewPort3D in the same UserControl which I'd like to configure to send commands to the HelixViewPort3D's camera controller. I had thought to do this with three buttons formatted something like this: 


            <dxb:BarButtonItem Content="XZ Front View" Command="{x:Static h:CameraController.FrontViewCommand}" CommandTarget="{Binding ElementName=VP, Path=CameraController}" />
... where VP is the name of the HelixViewPort3D in the same UserControl. It's not working. The buttons register in design mode as if the binding is correct (that is, the UI appearance goes from disabled to enabled) but at runtime the buttons behave as though CanExecute is returning false!

I'm not sure how to proceed, or whether it's possible. The CameraController exposes a RoutedCommand named "FrontViewCommand" so I thought this syntax would work. 

Any ideas? 

RobPerkins wrote at 2012-10-02 05:14:

Never mind; exactly those XAML bindings work... if the focus is on the ViewPort. This is the only Viewport in the control, though, so I'm not sure why an automatic CanExecute isn't being routed through...


Need Scaling Help

Anonymous 10 years ago 0
This discussion was imported from CodePlex

matthewfrazier wrote at 2010-10-12 17:23:

I'm trying to create a simple tube which I can do fine using this wonderful toolkit.  What I'm having a problem with is perspective or scaling.  Using the given array list of xyz coordinates I draw my tube BUT I can't make it "look right" in my view. I tried dividing by 1000 but that obviously just keeps the same problem just on a smaller scale.  My issue is that my z coordinate is always going to be much larger than my xy.   I want to create a tubing path for my users to view so they can see the deviation of the tubing.  I can do this with a simple xyz scatter plot in winforms but I want to be able to have the 3D camera control in WPF to give the users more perspective.  Any ideas?

private void LoadArrayList()
            _x = new ArrayList() { 0, 1.31, 2.71, 3.06, 3.48, 4.69, 6.8, 9.51, 12.37, 15.75, 19.65, 23.76, 30.21, 38.89, 47.77, 56.81, 69.86, 78.23, 86.62, 96.26, 107.4, 117.4, 125.63, 133.91, 142.02, 148.47, 152.32 };
            _y = new ArrayList() { 0, 4.76, 7.19, 6.56, 6.76, 8.31, 11.66, 16.48, 22.3, 29.07, 36.08, 43.1, 54.16, 69.78, 85.66, 101.81, 124.95, 140.06, 154.96, 169.97, 185.11, 198.52, 210.58, 222.8, 235.48, 245.87, 251.77 };
            _z = new ArrayList() { 0, -463.96, -775.94, -901.94, -964.94, -1027.91, -1091.78, -1155.54, -1217.2, -1279.74, -1342.23, -1404.7, -1497.83, -1622.55, -1747.23, -1872.88, -2060, -2184.81, -2309.64, -2434.37, -2558.96, -2683.84, -2808.99, -2934.12, -3059.22, -3161.49, -3221.08 };

        private void BuildTube()
            var pc = new Point3DCollection();
            for (int i = 0; i < (_x.Count); i++)
                pc.Add(new Point3D((Convert.ToDouble(_x[i]) / 1000.00) * 5, (Convert.ToDouble(_y[i]) / 1000.00) * 5, (Convert.ToDouble(_z[i]) / 1000.00) * 5));
            tube.Path = pc;

objo wrote at 2010-10-13 08:09:

can you change only the scale of the z-coordinates?

  var _x = new List<double> { 0, 1.31, 2.71, 3.06, 3.48, 4.69, 6.8, 9.51, 12.37, 15.75, 19.65, 23.76, 30.21, 38.89, 47.77, 56.81, 69.86, 78.23, 86.62, 96.26, 107.4, 117.4, 125.63, 133.91, 142.02, 148.47, 152.32 };
  var _y = new List<double> { 0, 4.76, 7.19, 6.56, 6.76, 8.31, 11.66, 16.48, 22.3, 29.07, 36.08, 43.1, 54.16, 69.78, 85.66, 101.81, 124.95, 140.06, 154.96, 169.97, 185.11, 198.52, 210.58, 222.8, 235.48, 245.87, 251.77 };
  var _z = new List<double> { 0, -463.96, -775.94, -901.94, -964.94, -1027.91, -1091.78, -1155.54, -1217.2, -1279.74, -1342.23, -1404.7, -1497.83, -1622.55, -1747.23, -1872.88, -2060, -2184.81, -2309.64, -2434.37, -2558.96, -2683.84, -2808.99, -2934.12, -3059.22, -3161.49, -3221.08 };
  var pc = new Point3DCollection();
  for (int i = 0; i < (_x.Count); i++)
                pc.Add(new Point3D(_x[i], _y[i], _z[i]*0.01));
  tube.IsPathClosed = false;
  tube.Path = pc;
Note that you should interpolate your data to get a smooth tube where there are sharp bends - the tube code is currently only extruding a circle along the given data.