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Is there any option to have a material base axis in coloraxis demo?

Anonymous 10 years ago 0
This discussion was imported from CodePlex

behnam263 wrote at 2014-05-06 12:28:

I want to know if there is any option to have a material base axis in coloraxis demo?

VoxelDemo source (and some other example sources) missing?

Anonymous 10 years ago 0
This discussion was imported from CodePlex

rasc wrote at 2012-06-07 23:00:


perhaps I am missing something, but it seems that in the current source code download the voxeldemo (and some others) are not available. I would very much appreciate to be able to have a glance at it.

thank you


objo wrote at 2012-06-08 07:34:

It was moved into the "ExampleBrowser" application. Will add a note where to find it on the wiki page.

rasc wrote at 2012-06-08 11:24:

Found it...This is really a great project - thank you for sharing



Creating Solid Cube ...

Anonymous 10 years ago 0
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maruf_bd wrote at 2013-07-24 08:39:

I want to create a solid cube in helix toolkit in wpf . Assume that a solid cube around a pipe and I want to intersect it so that I can see half pipe and half solid cube . Please help me .

Thanks in advance

The "HelixViewwport3D "not have

Anonymous 10 years ago 0
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xiaotu wrote at 2013-07-19 05:28:

hi, I am begin to learn the Helix toolkit ,when i open the helix toolkit sampleDemo , find the error message "namespace 'clr-namespace:HelixToolkit.Wpf;assembly=HelixToolkit.Wpf' without the HelixVeiwport3D" .how to soolve it.thanks

Mrme wrote at 2013-07-19 10:53:

Hi, if you go and see your references, you will find some of them are missing, fix that !

Completely Disable Panning

Anonymous 10 years ago 0
This discussion was imported from CodePlex

MikeCo wrote at 2012-10-23 22:06:

Is there any way to completely disable panning?  I just want my objects to be able to rotate, not pan.



objo wrote at 2012-10-24 11:04:

Try IsPanEnabled = false

MikeCo wrote at 2012-10-24 16:09:

Ah!  Duh...I just never saw this property.  Thanks!


Add additional InputBinding in XAML

Anonymous 10 years ago 0
This discussion was imported from CodePlex

govert wrote at 2012-03-28 14:21:

This is more a WPF / XAML questions, but arose in the Helix Toollkit context:

Earlier versions of the HelixView3D had both the Shift+RightClick and the MiddleClick bound to the Pan command. The default template in the current version sets the PanGesture to Shift+RightClick, but MiddleClick no longer works. I want to keep the Shift+RightClick, and add the MiddleClick as an additional gesture, which means I can't just set the PanGesture property (it would replace the current gesture).

From code-behind it works if I do this:


sceneView3D.Loaded += delegate
            new InputBinding(CameraController.PanCommand,
                            new MouseGesture(MouseAction.MiddleClick)));


But I'd rather set it in the XAML, so I've tried something like this:

<helix:HelixViewport3D x:Name="sceneView3D" ... >
    <MouseBinding MouseAction="MiddleClick" Command="{x:Static helix:CameraController.PanCommand}"/>


but it doesn't work - we need to add to the CameraController's InputBindings.

Is it possible to add the InputGesture from XAML?

Thanks for the help,

objo wrote at 2012-04-03 01:20:

I added an alternative pan gesture dependency property (PanGesture2), and set the default value to the middle button.

That was the easy solution, not sure how to get the inputbindings to work..


Kerkythea Exporter: Texture Support

Anonymous 10 years ago updated by ไอยดา สุรีวงค์ 4 years ago 1
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AaronLenoir wrote at 2010-02-08 09:43:


I'm currently using the Kerkythea exporter to create Kerkythea scenes from WPF viewports. I've already implemented some changes to correctly support our transformations and it's looking really good.

Our main problem now is Texture support, I'm looking into it, but currently I've had no luck in applying textures (using Kerkythea) to models in a scene exported from WPF. The texture is scrambled beyond recognition. I was wondering if you have already done some work on the textures that might help me forward.

Thanks already!


PS: If you want, I will send you our current changes

objo wrote at 2010-02-21 18:02:

Fantastic! I would really like to include your improvements into the Kerkythea exporter. I added you as a developer, feel free to submit the changes (or e-mail me). Sorry I have not had time to look into texture support - but I think that's the next thing that should be supported. I am sure we can get some help from the Kerkythea forums/Ioannis. I am busy with other things right now, but will continue on this later. Cheers!

objo wrote at 2010-05-16 13:04:

hi Aaron, I am looking into the Kerkythea export again - you could send me the improvements you did on the transformations?


Line are invisible for AddBoundingBox with opacity

Niteen 10 years ago updated by Lucas Silva 10 years ago 7
We have create the model in helix3Dviewport and added AddBoundingBox into this view port.
my issues is when i zoom-in and zoom-out the model the AddBoundingBox lines are not displayed completely , it is displayed in dotted lines .
we have user the AddBoundingBox function with parameter rect3D and opacity is 2.

here is my code..

Private Function CreateDice(ByVal rect3D As Rect3D, ByVal brush As Brush) As ModelVisual3D
Dim diceMesh = New MeshBuilder() diceMesh.AddBoundingBox(rect3D, 2)
Dim GeometryModel3D = New GeometryModel3D()
GeometryModel3D.Geometry = diceMesh.ToMesh(True)
GeometryModel3D.Material = MaterialHelper.CreateMaterial(brush)
Dim ModelVisual3D = New ModelVisual3D()
ModelVisual3D.Content = GeometryModel3D
Return ModelVisual3D

End Function

how to resolve this lines issue..


Drawing arrows

Anonymous 10 years ago 0
This discussion was imported from CodePlex

AnotherBor wrote at 2014-01-03 14:58:


I have a question about LineVisual3D.
Is there a way to add tiny arrow head at the end of the line segment(s)?

objo wrote at 2014-01-07 22:43:

I think this must be implemented in a new class similar to the LinesVisual3D. Each segment should then be defined by 3 triangles, and the 3 extra coordinates should be calculated a similar way as in LineGeometryBuilder.CreatePositions

AnotherBor wrote at 2014-01-08 02:18:

Yeah I figured that out but was just hoping so much that you say something like "there is this innocent looking property which you could use to..." :D
I checked how LineGeometryBuilder does the computations and it's beyond what I can tackle in my time frame allotted for this.

a5r wrote at 2014-01-08 22:21:

Petzold line class has this functionality. Maybe you can reuse it for your own needs.

AnotherBor wrote at 2014-01-09 04:45:

Yes it is an option but if I remember well Petzold line class is about 25% slower than Helix (with lines only, compared in the PointsAndLinesDemo by looking at the FPS counter).
I will try it out if arrows become a must in my project. For now lines are ok.

everytimer wrote at 2014-07-21 09:19:

Could someone provide an example using Petzold line to display a visual arrow? Thank you very much

How to remove center target symbole

Anonymous 10 years ago updated by Øystein Bjørke 10 years ago 1
This discussion was imported from CodePlex

wakes wrote at 2014-06-05 14:21:

Dear all,
I have suind demo of this toolkit in one of my project but in a collaborative application form, the center target which appears when you touch or click with mouse is enoying people sometimes.

Is there a way to hide this symbola as well as the box at bottom right corner ?


Der_Meister wrote at 2014-08-25 09:48:

ShowCameraTarget="False" ShowViewCube="False"