Your comments

Hello Enjlectric 

You are not alone !!! but we seem to be rare :)

I write this comment 1 year after you ... I hope you will have this message 

Have you find an other way ? 

Have you raise the goal to use FBXsharp ? 

I discovered FBXsharp today and I am already searching for informations or documents about it because I can't find what I need inside the imported FBX 

I can tell you that the import seems to work only with text FBX and not binaries ... so if you still have the problem to import , let's go to convert it with the tool FBX CONVERTER that you can download on AUTODESK website 

After that ... I am in the trouble ... I pass the step of import , ok , but I can't find the vertices in the MESH class ! I'm still looking for it 

