Databinding HelixView (MVVM)
vuurvos wrote at 2011-04-21 16:08:
I want to bind the HelixView3D to a model (MVVM design pattern). The only fully working way I found was by not using the MVVM design pattern. Since the MVVM pattern is a must and used in other all parts of the project, I want to use it also for the HelixView3D.
When I bind to the ModelVisual3D.content to its content in the model, the Viewport3DHelper doesnt work anymore. The viewport3DHelper doesn't detected a Visual3D which is near the clicked point. When I check the VisualChildernCount, its shows me one child.
I think the VisualChild isn't the child (3D Model) which I am clicking on. I guess its an ambientlight visual....
zeux wrote at 2011-04-25 20:54:
try adding this to HelixView3D:
protected override void OnItemsChanged(System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)
{ //base.OnItemsChanged(e); switch (e.Action) { case System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Add: Add(e.NewItems.ToList<Visual3D>()); break; case System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Move: break; case System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Remove: Remove(e.OldItems.ToList<Visual3D>()); break; case System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Replace: break; case System.Collections.Specialized.NotifyCollectionChangedAction.Reset: ClearChildren(); break; default: break; } }
objo wrote at 2011-06-19 12:27:
vuurvos: I added a MvvmDemo that binds to HelixVis3D.ItemsSource. Adding new Visual3Ds should work now. (In the past I have used to add Visual3Ds in the XAML and bind to Model3Ds in the ViewModels)
zeux: thanks for pointing out the missing code! I added it to HelixView3D with some modifications (seems like you have added different Add/Remove methods) The implementation of Move and Replace is also remaining, as you point out.
The MvvmDemo is not complete, will add more when I learn more Caliburn.Micro...
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