shadows for obects

Anonymous 10 years ago updated by Lucas Silva 10 years ago 1
This discussion was imported from CodePlex

ChevyCP wrote at 2012-01-05 20:45:


   Is there an easy way to add a shadow for all objects within a helixviewport3d?  I added a dropshadow effect, which is what I'm going for, but that doesn't change when I rotate the objects inside relative to the light source.  (So that it would grow and shrink depending on where the objects were in the scene.)  I understand that this could be a costly function, but was looking for a solution.  If this doesn't exist, then I'd like to add it as a feature request.

Thanks!!  Great work!

ChevyCP wrote at 2012-01-05 21:47:

Thanks for the fast reply and useful info!!  This isn't critical, I was just looking for some eye candy for a program I'm writing.  It's for work and instead of using pop-ups it uses sides of a 3d cube using a helixviewport3d with 6 viewport2dvisual3d's.  I was just looking for an easy way to add some cool shadows for use during the animations when rotating from side to side.


I started put shadows in my test software. Still have problems but I think that will work fine when I finish. I used this tutorial to start but I did a lot of things different. If someone is trying to make shadows or knows something more, lets go write here to learn more. =)