Your comments

The another issue is , when drawing the model with grid lines and rotate the model with mouse gesture again it will gives error. Please find the attached screen shot for this.

for drawing the grid lines, we have used the LinesVisual3D object.

I need your help. I am reached last stage of the application to complete and we got this error messages. Please help.

Default view while run the application:


Please find the attached screen shot for above message.

Please suggest the solution.

Hi Lucas,

We have join more Visuals3D in MeshBuilder object. But is there any way to set color for individual MeshBuilder object.
Please suggest. Here is my code.

Dim meshCollection = new MeshBuilder()

Private sub CreateDice(ByVal point3D As Point3D, xLen As Double, yLen As Double, zlen As Double, ByVal color As Color)
Dim diceMesh = New MeshBuilder()
diceMesh.AddBox(point3D, xLen, yLen, zlen)
meshCollection .Append(diceMesh )

End Function

public Window_load()
For k = 0 To 10
CreateDice(center, XLen, YLen, ZLen, color)

Dim GeometryModel3D = New GeometryModel3D()
GeometryModel3D.Geometry = meshCollection.ToMesh();
GeometryModel3D.Material = MaterialHelper.CreateMaterial(New SolidColorBrush(Colors.Green))

Dim ModelVisual3D = New ModelVisual3D()
ModelVisual3D.Content = GeometryModel3D



Thanks and regards,
Niteen Patil

We have implemented functionality according to your post and the performance is now fast as compare to earlier.

Thanks for your reply...:)
This is my requirement - To draw rectangle with border and Fill its different color . Please find the attached screen shot that contains nine rectangle with different color.

Please help me, How to draw single rectangle object with border line and fill with different color.

This is not the image this is a drawing, we are drawing the rectangle with diameter 3.0 and render it on viewport and they are display like this (image).

Is there any way to create the rectangle with fill color and border line to different color for same object? because currently we have added the AddBox() and this add box not supported to show the border lines. So to achieve this we are creating the another AddBoundingBox() with diameter 3.0 and replace this object to AddBox(). So for one rectangle we create another rectangle to display the border lines.

My requirement is to draw the single rectangle with border line but rectangle fill color and border color will different.

I hope u understand. please reply if not clear.


The my lines issues not resolve even use the BackMaterial . Please see attache screen shot.

my another concern is, we have added the 2000 and more object in view port and because of this our model is running slow. When we try to rotate the model , it will move very slowly..

can you suggest, how to improve the performance to running fast and easy?

Thank you for your reply,

my another concern is, we have added the 2000 and more object in view port and because of this our model is running slow. When we try to rotate the model , it will move very slowly..

can you suggest, how to improve the performance to running fast and easy?