Your comments

i just want crop the hair from this model

Thanks for helping Mike ...........Can you also tell me that how to crop wig from this 3d model

if you have any sample project or link for this then kindly share with me so that i can get out of this problem... Thanks

i have simplified my code it is still showing me error on trPts.Count

kindly resolve my issue

private Model3D Display3d(string model)
Model3D device = null;

viewPort3d.RotateGesture = new MouseGesture(MouseAction.LeftClick);

ModelImporter import = new ModelImporter();

//Load the 3D model file
device = import.Load(model);
Material mat = new DiffuseMaterial(new SolidColorBrush(Color.FromRgb(255, 255, 255)));

dynamic res = new MeshVisual3D
Mesh = new Mesh3D(trPts, Enumerable.Range(0, trPts.Count)),
SharedVertices = true,
FaceMaterial = mat,
FaceBackMaterial = mat,
EdgeDiameter = 0,
VertexRadius = 0

// Force mesh update to propagate materials
res.SharedVertices = false;

return res;

catch (Exception e)
// Handle exception in case can not file 3D model
MessageBox.Show("Exception Error : " + e.StackTrace);
return device;

Iam getting problem with trPts.count it gives me an error

can you please update my code by inserting your code so that i can get my original 3d model instead of blue color model.......Thanks

can you tell me how you shared vertices and what changes I should do to fet colorfull model in my application